Level Passwords All passwords listed here can be entered by selecting the "Password" option on the main menu of the game. Passwords are listed in the following order: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. You'll need to select the relevant icon for each character as given, since passwords are in the form of pictures.
Password: | Result: | Tessie, Noddy, Big Ears, Tessie | Farmer Straw's Field (Easy) | Tessie, Noddy, Tessie, Noddy | Farmer Straw's Field (Medium) | Noddy, Noddy, Policeman, Big Ears | Hot Air Balloon (Easy) | Big Ears, Noddy, Tessie, Noddy | Hot Air Balloon (Hard) | Noddy, Noddy, Big Ears, Noddy | Hot Air Balloon (Medium) | Noddy, Tessie, Noddy, Policeman | House for One (Easy) | Tessie, Noddy, Noddy, Policeman | House for One (Hard) | Noddy, Big Ears, Policeman, Tessie | House for One (Medium) | Big Ears, Policeman, Tessie, Noddy | Mr Sparks' Garage (Easy) | Big Ears, Noddy, Policeman, Big Ears | Mr Sparks' Garage (Medium) | Tessie, Big Ears, Noddy, Big Ears | The Dark Wood (Easy) | Big Ears, Noddy, Noddy, Policeman | The Dark Wood (Medium) | Policeman, Policeman, Noddy, Noddy | The Market Square (Easy) | Policeman, Noddy, Big Ears, Tessie | The Market Square (Medium) | Big Ears, Policeman, Big Ears, Big Ears | Toyland Airport (Easy) | Big Ears, Big Ears, Policeman, Tessie | Toyland Airport (Medium) | Noddy, Tessie, Big Ears, Policeman | Toytown Harbour (Easy) | Big Ears, Tessie, Big Ears, Big Ears | Toytown Harbour (Hard) | Noddy, Big Ears, Noddy, Tessie | Toytown Harbour (Medium) |